Application security is the art and practice of designing, implementing, and operating enterprise applications so that they are resistant to cyber tampering. That sounds simple, but is a very difficult result to achieve.
Tellagraff LLC, working with our strategic partners, can examine your applications to find exploitable security vulnerabilities. We can also advise on toolsets you should be using to help ensure the highest possible security for your applications. We also offer training courses for your developers and information security team members.
We can examine your applications to find exploitable security vulnerabilities and advise on toolsets you should be using
Tellagraff’s team and partners include co-authors of two of the best-selling books ever writtenon application security, Secure Coding (2003) and Enterprise Software Security: A Confluence of Disciplines (2014). Going beyond the formulaic, our team will translate their years of hands-on experience into the strategic insights and technical know-how you need to make your applications secure enough for your business. A simple call or e-mail to us can bring you a consultation to your business, an addition to your Board of Directors, or Mark himself to come and speak at one of your engagements. With the experience behind Tellagraff in the Cyber Security industry, the value of this consult or speaking engagement can be invaluable. With an expert such as Mark evaluating and assisting with your application security, the ability to prevent cyber tampering is greatly increased.